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Diagnose ROM quickly and confidently with AmniSure

When a woman presents with suspected premature rupture of the fetal membranes (PROM) during pregnancy, timing and accuracy is everything.

Confirming the diagnosis quickly can help you plan effectively for a safe birth, minimising the risk of ante and postnatal complications for mother and baby. This may involve hospitalisation, monitoring, pharmaceutical intervention and possible induction.

On the other hand, confidently ruling out PROM can prevent unnecessary hospital admissions and reduce the need for medical intervention before and during birth. This would allow for the best patient outcomes while saving hospitals, clinicians and patients time and money.

Research shows that 47% of the time clinicians are not confident in their diagnosis of PROM based on history and examination alone. Understandably, this diagnostic uncertainty results in a more cautious approach to the clinical management of women with suspected PROM – in these circumstances, clinicians are more likely to manage a woman as if she had ruptured membranes.

Research also shows that conventional diagnostic tests, such as nitrazine (pH), ferning, pooling and ultrasound can be inaccurate and invasive. Only AmniSure can give clinicians the certainty they need to make a confident PROM diagnosis, quickly and easily.

AmniSure is a non-invasive bedside test that can be performed by an obstetrician/gynaecologist, hospital nurse or midwife. It is the only ROM test that uses the PAMG-1 protein in amniotic fluid to give a 99% accurate result in minutes, at any gestational age. No speculum examination necessary.

In a study of its usefulness in the management of PROM, AmniSure significantly increased clinician confidence and resulted in a change in the care and management of a third of women with suspected PROM.

AmniSure is recommended by RANZCOG guidelines in the diagnosis of term PROM.

Will you consider AmniSure as the first test you turn to for confirmation of your ROM diagnosis?

Where can I find more information about Amnisure?

Email or call 1300 552 003

In Vitro Technologies is a scientific and medical company specialising in the distribution and support of scientific, clinical diagnostic and medical products. Please contact us for more information.
